Tuesday, September 18, 2012

addie via the iPhone lately

i've been slacking on posting pics of addie from my phone, but i've definitely been taking plenty!  here's a smattering of them :)

Feeling dubious after a long nap.  See the sheet crease on her cheek?

Still hasn't figured out that this is super fun but she tolerates it :)

Baby in a bar!  Her 1st visit to World of Beer.  Not her last :)

Dinner at Mooncricket!

Mom I'm hungry!

Pretty much mastered this sitting thing, as long as someone else sets her up :)

Both baby and dog coveting my PB&J sandwich!

Modeling at a pool party.
She loves the pool still!  Splashes up a storm :)

Thoughtful Adelaide.

All dressed up for the first day of the season!  Nate and I particularly appreciated the irony of the Harrison jersey, but I think Maureen was the only one who got it :)

What the heck is this?

Ready to go at 6:55 am!


Maureen said...

I am LOVING your blog! Addie's expressions are fabulous, and I want to eat her up! Your photos are amazing, too, of course. :-)

Unknown said...

Thanks Maureen! :)