Sunday, April 12, 2009

snakes on a porch!

well... snake. and it was a baby. but still! check out this baby snake that made it's way onto our porch this morning. i actually stayed calm... mostly because it was so still i thought it was dead, but snakes aren't near as scary when they're worm sized! nate shooed it into a shoe box and released it into the yard. now it can grow into a big five-footer that scared the #@$%! out of me last time i saw one while doing yard work. yay!


M&M + C said...

don't you mean... there's m#@%*# f'n snakes on this porch!!

Kelly said...

I don't care what size they are. Snakes freak me out. We have one that I watched go into our garage... I was too far away when I saw it and couldn't get there in time to shoo it away. It was just a black snake, so it isn't harmful, but it was pretty big... at least 3'. ::shudder:: We found a snake skin afterwards on one of Chris' old golf clubs. I'm NOT looking forward to seeing that guy again!

Anonymous said...

sorry bri but i would have screamed. on the front or back porch hope in the front i wasn,t out there much gramama

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you could hold the camera still enough to take a picture of it. Eeeeuuuuu.