Tuesday, September 14, 2004

slackety slack, and don't come back

ah september. how i love it.
a. hurricane ivan, scheduled to strike virginia later this week. also scheduled to submerse new orleans in 12-18 feet of water. scary stuff.
b. cleo's halloween costume, a pumpkin. so far, she refuses to wear it without biting and clawing at it. negotiations are scheduled to continue until late october.
c. purdue, next week! will be haunting my old haunts (aka vienna and harry's) and hanging out with jason and anna. oh, and trying to recruit a few people to work at danaher while i'm there.
d. moonlight stomp, this weekend. big plans to stomp grapes like lucy and roast marshmallows in the moonlight next to the winery.

that's all for now ;)


Unknown said...

come to blacksburg! it's at amhrein winery -- about 45 minutes from here.

Unknown said...

hmmm... yes, apparently it is.