cause i could really use some right now. eh, actually i'm not that tired - maybe it's just out of habit ;) soo...cassie woke me up at like 12:30 lastnight cause the electricity kept going out in various parts of the apartment- it was like one of those bad horror movies when the whole place is dark and you flip a switch and of course, nothing happens cause the power's out stupid. but we flipped a couple of circuit breakers and all was lit again.
i also saw the matrix lastnight - i'd give it... 3 of 5 stars. i guess it's worth seeing if you still care what happens to the matrix and whatnot - as for me, i went for the popcorn and still don't quite understand how it all makes sense - for several reasons.
1. i just don't care
2. i can never remember what happened at the end or during the previous movie
3. okay, maybe not several reasons
back to work :)
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