Monday, October 24, 2011

back from the dead?

wow... i think i've sunk to a new low in the history of this blog when it comes to post frequency!  i'm going to indulge in a brief explanation of why and then get on with it :)  at first, i was just slacking.  then, at the end of june we found out we were expecting a baby (!) and i didn't blog because it was such a big thing and i couldn't even tell people yet!  then, i fell asleep for roughly two months so there wasn't any blogging then either.  then i ran out of excuses and now it's almost november :)  but oh my goodness, there's been a lot going on!  mainly two things:

1. we're expecting a baby (after a looooooonnnnnnggggg few years, more on that later) and could NOT be more excited!  we found out today she's a girl :)  i cannot wait for march 4th!!
2. nate had a dirtbike accident while we in arizona and broke his back, his arm, and his finger.  he was out of work for a month and still isn't back to 100%!  he's pretty much recovered but has a whole lot of exercises to do at home and still needs to be very careful not to reinjure anything.  we also learned nate has a high tolerance for pain ;)  while in the ER, he pegged his pain tolerance at a 2-3 on a scale of 1-10.  imagine our surprise when the doctor came sprinting back in with the x-ray results to tell us that he broke his back!

the good news is, he'll be good as new by the time the baby shows up so that's fantastic :)


Ruthie said...

Gee i am so glad to see you blogging again keep us posted on our little girl did you see the name i picked?I look forward to reading your an Cassie blog so fun for me GG

Jilian said...

Isn't March 4th Cadiem's birthday? I just remember because it's also my nieces birthday. What an exciting date!! Congrats again :)

Maybe Nate can pass along some hints for pain tolerance for the big day!

Glad his recovery is going well.