Saturday, April 24, 2010

a smattering of saturday

i want to start taking more pictures of randomness like i used to.  so expect to see a lot more of me and my camera, and a lot more pictures :)

there are several things i've been meaning to take pictures of and post lately, namely some of the really cool stuff anita has sent us, and a lamp that nina & john gave me :)

here are some of the things anita sent us for easter - really cool citrusy/fruit place mats (the grapefruit matched our candy dish perfectly!)  the flipside has a different fabric in the same color family for each of those little strips (you can see it better on the carrot below):

ps:  those cadbury eggs in that candy dish are the best easter candy EVER.

isn't she talented?  shouldn't she sell this stuff??

next, when john and frank drove down from PA they brought a few things that are harder to take by plane.  one of those things was a lamp that was previously at the river house in the room that nate and i stay in.  i love it!  it was previously nate's nana's lamp.

annnd finally, just a few random pics from our saturday.  cleo was particularly patient with my photos today. 

saturday is also a great time for a nap:

but once i left her alone, she headed straight back to her daddy!

and another random sidenote, april is my favorite month in the cleo calendar :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so glad you are starting to blog again i sure do enjoy it.And i will love the pictures sounds very good.