for cleo's birthday, she received a 'pup'cake that sarah and i found at this cute little dog bakery and 2 new bones (one from us, one from aunt sarah & uncle ryan) :) she also got lots of attention from nate and i all day (like that would differentiate the day...) here is the pupcake:

cleo discovering what it is:

loved the frosting!

i think this is where the panic that we might take it away from her set in:

all done and checking for crumbs!

hope you enjoy your next birthday cake as much as cleo enjoyed hers :)
hahaha... happy b-day loo loo!!
Mrka, Al and Bauer send you lots of butt sniffs as a belated birthday present!
So I didn't see Cleo's status update on facebook saying that she enjoyed her pupcake. That must be one busy dog to not be wasting time on facebook. I'm very disappointed.
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