tonight reminded of me of when it's nice and cool outside and we leave the windows open and curl up under the covers! of course, i love the long days of summer and wearing a tank top and shorts to a late night outing and not worrying about being cold. here in florida, some mornings when i leave our air conditioned house in the morning, my glasses fog up! just rambling about the seasons and what i associate with them i guess. random i know.
in other news, i downloaded a bunch of new music including: the weepies, crooked still, catie curtis... and did you know that lisa loeb wrote a song about groundhogs??? so of course, i had to download that as lisa loeb is a long time favorite of mine (the first CD i ever purchased in fact).
nate and i have leisurely plans for the weekend, our good friend molly is moving (!) to cali so we have been participating in a string of farewell activities. this weekend we're headed to see school buses race on a figure eight track- crazy, eh? nate's pretty excited so i'll be sure to share some pictures :)
other plans? check out the winter garden farmers' market, the new whole foods (yipee!), go see some live music downtown, enjoy the weekend!